1sam 3:4-6"
4"When the Lord called, Samuel! And he answered, Here I am.
5He ran to Eli and said, Here I am, for you called me. Eli said, I did not call you; lie down again. So he went and lay down.
6And the Lord called again, Samuel! And Samuel arose and went to Eli and said, Here am I; you did call me. Eli answered, I did not call, my son; lie down again".
It takes a mentor to know the procedures. Samuel ran to eli the priest without ascertaining the caller. Until there is a mentor you might keep running from bed to room to bed room.vs 7-8. When mentors fulfill their responsibilities, proteges will not find it difficult to fit into God's plan for their lives. Success without successor amount to pronounced failure. Glooming people to succeed as exemplified by Jesus should be your utmost desire as a champion.
mentorship is a form informal training which involves an informal way of teaching,instructing, counselling and guiding.
Qualities of a good mentor
1. Mentors must have foresight (ability to see potential in an individual or individuals )
2. Mentors should have the ability to develop and raise a protégé to mentorship stage tomorrow.
3. Mentors must possess the gifts of encouragement
4. Mentors must influence positively and be flexible in their dealings with protégé.
It pays to mentor and it'pays to be mentored.
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