Personal revival

The need for personal revival cannot be overemphasised and there is no price too high to pay in order to experiance and maintain the fire of personal revival. Personal revival gives birth to spiritual vision and according to the testimony of the bible " where there is no vison the people perish". If the people  of our own generation are not to perish and if life the church must be militant and ever shape ,taking the kingdom by force, then our ministers must be men and women who maintain a life of constant spiritual revival
God's desire is not to have ministers who are heavy, cold and dead. Rather they should be "a flame of fire " (Hebrews 1: 7). Charles G Finney. One of the greatest revivalist and evangelist ever known, once said that when he discoverd the power of God upon him was fading, he would go to the bush for a whole day and pray until the lost anointing returned. Katherine Khulman a female revivalist said there is nothing  as terrible in the life of a man who once had the power of God upon him but later lost it.
The men and women who have left foot print in the sand of time in regard to the evangelising of the world have been people who themselves were spiritually revived.
When ministers begin to experience formality and insensitivity to the varicella of the spirit the following will  characterize in his life.
1. A mechanical spiritual life (judges 16 : 20b). He ,aye still be engaged in activities but all will be in human strenght and wisdom.
2. Unprofitable uninteresting quite time ( 1 sam 28 : 6)
3. Carnality in personal lifestyle (time, otherwise 4 : 10)
4. loss of brotherly love and christain confidence.
5. Dissension, jealousy and evil speaking (1 Cor 3: 3-5)
6. Slothfulness in prayer (luke 18: 1)


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